4th Moon Toy Review: Blurrg with VC335 Mandalorian (Arvaala-7)

4th Moon Toy Review: Blurrg with VC335 Mandalorian (Arvaala-7)


Star Wars The Vintage Collection:
Blurrg with Mandalorian (Arvaala-7)

Blurg Photo Review in Package

The Blurrg is a really fun addition to Hasbro's 3.75” (1:18) scale Vintage Collection. Priced at $39.99 usd / $57.99 cad, this two-pack also includes an unpuched/carded version of The Mandalorian (Arvala-7) wearing his season 1 look updated with the Beskar Mudhorn signet. 

Starting life as a background creature in the made for TV Ewok Adventure films, the Blurrg’s appearance in The Mandalorian cemented its place in modern canon. The first articulated Blurg figures to date, Hasbro really captured that pre-historic fish vibe with some fantastic detailing with the mouth, eyes and skin.

Blurrg Beauty Shot

The Blurrg features:
  • Ball-jointed hips
  • Pin-swivel knees & ankles
  • Ball-jointed tail, similar to the Jurassic Park Hammond Collection figures
  • Forearm articulation at the shoulders, allowing movement back and forth, as well as outward, reminiscent of a T-Rex.
  • The saddle and reins are made from a flexible but durable soft-goods plastic and are fully removable. Additionally, the saddle includes a hidden anchor point underneath to keep it securely in place.

Despite its relatively small feet, the Blurrg balances well even when posed on uneven surfaces:

Blurrg Review PhotoBlurrg Review Photo
Blurrg Review PhotoBlurrg Review Photo
* T-Rex pictured here is from the Jurassic Park "Hammond Collection" from my own collection.
Also pictured, but sold separately by 4th Moon Toys is VC227 Kuiil (The Mandalorian)

VC335 The Mandalorian (Arvala-7) - Figure Updates

Blurrg Mandalorian Review Photo

The Din Djarin figure, based on his appearance in season 1 of The Mandalorian, features some subtle improvements. The most notable update is the use of barbell-jointed hips.

The soft-goods cape adds a nice touch, replacing the earlier molded plastic version.

The paint on the figure is also more subdued than earlier releases, but this results in a more screen-accurate look. 

Blurrg Mandalorian Review Photo

Hasbro’s really been going to town with armored Mandalorians lately, but this version definitely adds value for fans of series and Star Wars 3.75” scale collectors.

Final Thoughts

The Blurrg set is a solid release, and for many fans, it's a long-overdue addition to their Mandalorian collections, especially when paired with the HasLab Razor Crest or other figures like Kuiil (VC227) and Grogu (VC313). It's a 'vehicle' scale figure that works great as a stand-alone piece, or alongside other figures. 



Need a space lizard for your collection? 

Check out the Blurrg at 4th Moon Toys


Video Review:

Bonus Galleries:
Blurrg Mandalorian Review Photo

 Hasbro Blurrg Review PhotosBlurrg Review Photo
Blurrg Review PhotoBlurrg Review Photo
Blurrg Review Photo

Hasbro's Blurrg Figure vs. *Funko's Bobble-head Statue


Hasbro's Blurrg with Kuiil and Grogu (each sold separately):


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